여름방학 2024.9

2024. 9. 30. 10:25회원작품 | Projects/House

Summer vacation





집 짓기의 시작
충북 혁신도시의 한 택지. 동측에 근린공원을 접하고 있는, 340제곱미터가 조금 넘는 이 땅은 단번에 건축주 부부의 마음을 끌었다. 북측에 공원을 출입하는 보행로가 있어서 마음에 걸리기도 했지만, 동측에 있는 근린공원은 마치 나만의 정원으로 바라볼 수 있을 것 같은 기분도 들었다. 서측에 도로가 있으며, 다가구주택을 지을 수 있는 땅임에도 불구하고 단독주택의 로망을 실현할 수 있을 것으로 생각하고, 과감하게 이 땅에 주택을 짓고자 결심한다.

땅의 이해
해당 사업 부지는 지구단위계획으로 조성된 블록으로, 주차 진출입 구간이 정해져 있던 터라, 이 법적 제한 조건은 자연스레 대지의 진입 위치를 결정하는 것까지 이어졌다. 그 이후, 동측의 근린공원을 품을 수 있는 중정을 구획하는 것과 공적 공간과 사적 공간의 배치를 어떻게 둘 것인가에 대한 내용이 주요 설계 포인트였다.

선택과 집중
위에서 언급한 것과 같이 설계의 관건은 공적 공간을 ‘남쪽에 두느냐, 북쪽에 두느냐’였다. 현관을 남쪽으로 정했기 때문에 공적 공간을 남쪽에 두는 것이 일반적이기는 하지만, 그렇게 계획하면 이 땅을 골랐던 이유 중 하나인 중정 마당이 거실 기준 북측에 자리하게 되고, 채광 및 조망을 둘 다 확보하기가 어려울 것으로 판단했다. 고민 끝에 복도가 길어지는 것을 감수하고, 공용 공간을 북쪽에 배치하는 계획안이 선정됐다. 추가로 동측 근린공원의 요소를 보다 적극적으로 끌어들이기 위해, 남측 매스를 열어 마당을 시야적으로 더 넓게 확보하는 배치 형태를 취했다. 단층을 염두에 두고 큰 땅을 고른 만큼, 배치계획이 확정되자 각 공간구성은 착착 자리 잡게 되었다.


단독주택만의 매력
각 실들의 자리를 잡고 나서, 단독주택만의 매력을 느낄 수 있는 요소들은 무엇이 있을까 고민했다. 거실의 높은 천장을 다락과 연계해 다락의 매력을 한층 업그레이드했고, 아파트와는 달리 긴 복도를 구성해 아이들이 맘껏 뛰어놀 수 있는 실내 운동장의 느낌을 주었다. 마지막으로 아이 방에는 별도 다락을 구획해 그들만의 아지트를 마련해 주었다. 
외부적으로는 쉽사리 내부를 볼 수 없게 하고 싶었다. 프라이버시 확보에 대한 요인도 있었지만, 집에 들어서고 복도를 지나 높은 천장의 거실을 마주했을 때의 개방감이, 외관에서 느낄 수 있는 답답함이 해소되는 반전 매력으로 느껴질 수 있기 때문이다.

왜 단독주택에 살아야 하는가?
수많은 예비 건축주들이 주택과 아파트를 두고 고민한다. 생활 편의성, 인프라 등을 고려한다면 아파트가 정답이다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 주택을 추천하고 싶다. 그 이유는 공간이 주는 추억은 평생 가기 때문이다. 행복했던 추억을 떠올리라고 한다면 그 바탕은 동네 놀이터, 골목길, 학교 앞 문방구 등의 공간들이 깔려 있다. 먼 훗날 주택에 살던 건축주들에게 추억을 묻는다면 다음과 같이 답하지 않을까? 다락에서 옹기종기 모여 놀았던 순간, 마당에서 가족이 모여 캠핑하면서 별 구경했던 순간들을.




서측 전경
동측 전경


The beginning of Project
A residential area in Chungbuk Innovation City. This land, which is a little over 340㎡ and borders a neighborhood park on the east side, immediately caught the attention of the couple who own the building. They were concerned that there was a walkway leading to the park on the north side, but they also felt like they could look at the neighborhood park on the east side as if it were their own garden. There is a road on the west side, and although it is land where multi-family housing can be built, they thought they could realize their dream of a single-family home, so they boldly decided to build a house on this land.

Understanding the Land
The site of the project was a block developed according to the district unit plan, and since the parking entrance and exit sections were set, this legal restriction naturally led to determining the entrance location of the site. After that, the main design points were how to divide the courtyard that could contain the neighborhood park on the east side and how to arrange the public and private spaces.

Selection and Focus
As mentioned above, the key to the design was whether to place the public space “in the south or the north.” Since the entrance was set to the south, it is common to place the public space in the south, but if we planned it that way, the courtyard, which was one of the reasons for choosing this land, would be located on the north side of the living room, and it would be difficult to secure both lighting and a view. So after much deliberation, we chose a plan to place the public space in the north, accepting the longer corridor. In addition, in order to more actively bring in elements of the neighborhood park on the east side, we opened up the mass on the south side and took a layout form that secured a wider view of the yard. Since we chose a large piece of land with a single-story building in mind, each space configuration was properly established once the layout plan was finalized.

The charm of a single-family home
After settling down in each room, I thought about what elements would make the single-family home feel special. The high ceiling of the living room was connected to the attic to further upgrade the charm of the attic, and unlike an apartment, a long hallway was created to give the children the feeling of an indoor playground where they can run around freely. Lastly, a separate attic was created in the children’s room to create their own hideout.
And I wanted to make it so that the inside could not be easily seen from the outside. There was a factor of securing privacy, but the openness when entering the house, passing through the hallway, and facing the high-ceilinged living room can be felt as a reverse charm that relieves the stuffiness felt from the outside.

Why should you live in a single-family home?
Many prospective homeowners are considering a house vs. an apartment. Considering convenience and infrastructure, an apartment is the answer. However, I still recommend a house. The reason is that the memories that space gives last a lifetime. If you ask them to recall happy memories, the basis of those memories is spaces such as a neighborhood playground, an alley, and a stationery store in front of a school. If you ask the same question to homeowners who lived in houses in the distant future, wouldn’t they answer as follows? Moments when they played together in the attic, moments when they camped with their families in the yard and looked at the stars.







설계자 | 이정욱 _ 지점토 건축사사무소
건축주 | 임종헌, 이화정
감리자 | 이정욱 _ 지점토 건축사사무소
시공사 | 건축주 직영공사
설계팀 | 조다은
설계의도 구현 | 지점토 건축사사무소
대지위치 | 충청북도 진천군 덕산읍 선옥1길 24
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 343.20㎡
건축면적 | 155.88㎡
연면적 | 155.88㎡
건폐율 | 45.42%
용적률 | 45.42%
규모 | 1F
구조 | 일반목구조
외부마감재 | 벽돌 타일
내부마감재 | 
벽 _ 친환경 삼화페인트 도장 / 바닥 _ 호인우드 원목마루
설계기간 | 2021. 07 - 2021. 12
공사기간 | 2022. 01 - 2022. 08
사진 | 변종석
 구조분야 | SM구조엔지니어링
 기계설비·전기·소방분야 | 진화EMC
Summer vacation
Architect | Lee, jungwook _ Jijeomto Architects
Client | Im, Jongheon / Lee, Hwajung
Supervisor | Lee, jungwook _ Jijemto Architects.
Construction | Owner direct control
Project team | Joe, Daeun
Design intention realization | Jijemto Architects.
Location | 
24, Seonok 1-gil, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea
Program | Single-family house
Site area | 343.20㎡
Building area | 155.88㎡
Gross floor area | 155.88㎡
Building to land ratio | 45.42%
Floor area ratio | 45.42%
Building scope | 1F
Structure | Light weight Wood frame structure
Exterior finishing | Tiles based on brick
Interior finishing | 
Environment paint, hardWood flooring, Tile
Design period | Jul. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Construction period | Jan. 2022 - Aug. 2022
Photograph | Byun, Jongseok
Structural engineer | Sm structure engineering
Mechanical·Electrical·Fire engineer | jinhwa EMC


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