죽성리 성환당 2024.9

2024. 9. 30. 10:10회원작품 | Projects/House

Jukseong-ri SUNG HWAN DANG





대지의 맥락
대지는 동해의 해안선을 따라 등대와 푸른 바다가 보이는 해안도로에 접해있다. 소담한 마을을 배경으로 반경 500미터 이내에는 부산광역시 기념물인 ‘죽성리 왜성’과 ‘해송’이 보이고, ‘죽성 성당’도 가까이에 있다.

프로그램과 배치
평면 프로그램은 1층과 2층이 근린시설인 휴게음식점, 3층은 단독주택이다. 건물을 최대한 바다 가까이 배치하고 대지 좌측은 차량 진출입구, 우측은 보행자 진입로이며 주차장은 배면이다. 주택은 별도의 전용 엘리베이터와 계단실을 뒀다.


중정, 순환 동선, 자연의 차경
평면은 바다 전망이 한눈에 들어오고 강한 바람에 유연한 원통형에, 단순 기능은 사각형으로 결합하고 그 중심부를 도려내 중정을 만든다. 하늘로 열린 이 중정은, 수반에 담긴 물과 금목서 한 그루에 빛과 비 그리고 바람이 찾아들어 보는 이들의 마음을 편안하게 한다. 
1층의 바다 전망은 일부 언덕으로 가려져 열림과 닫힘이 반반이다. 그러나 2층은 바다와 해안으로 열려있어 전망이 뛰어나다. 이런 지형 조건과 전망을 감안해 1층은 중정을 향한 내부지향형으로, 2층은 탁 트인 바다로 향한 외부지향형이다. 또한, 각 층은 순환 동선의 평면으로 어느 층에서나 중정이나 바다를 바라보며 회유할 수 있다. 


실린더, 리듬, 색상
3개 층의 평면은 실린더처럼 층마다 볼륨이 다르다. 특히 1층 주 출입구를 향해 사선으로 나열된 20개의 백색 열주는 물결의 흐름같이 자연스럽고 역동적이다. 또한 3층 주택 중정 외곽선을 따라 순환토록 설치된 베란다의 알루미늄 루버는 촘촘한 조형미로 리듬감을 준다. 외관의 색상은 1층은 짙은 회색, 2~3층은 백색의 무채색으로 대비했다. 


주택 인테리어
실내 마감 재료는 바다의 습한 기후를 고려해 벽과 천장은 도배지, 일부 벽은 자작나무 합판으로 마감했다. 색상은 벽과 천장 도배지, 방문을 백색으로 통일하고 바닥은 진한 회색의 마루판이다. 


힐링의 공간
속도와 경쟁, 바이러스로 찌든 도시인들이 머리를 식히며 힐링할 수 있는 곳은 어디일까? 바로 자연이다. 그래서 사람들은 바다와 산, 땅과 하늘이 맞닿은 곳을 찾아 나선다. 이 건축에는 그동안 꾸준하게 추구해온 건축언어가 곳곳에 배어있다. 녹색 언덕, 파란 하늘에 사뿐히 솟은 원형의 백색 건축. 겉과 속이 같은 힐링의 장소다.





Context of the Site
The site is located along a coastal road that offers views of a lighthouse and the blue expanse of the East Sea. It is situated against the backdrop of a quaint village, with notable landmarks like the ‘Jukseong-ri Waeseong’ and ‘Hae-song’ (designated as Busan City Monuments) within a 500 meter radius. The nearby ‘Jukseong Catholic Church’ further enhances the cultural and historical significance of the area.


Program and Layout
The building program is divided as follows: the first and second floors house a neighborhood facility that serves as a rest and dining area, while the third floor is designated as a single family residence. The building is positioned as close to the sea as possible, with vehicle access to the left of the site, pedestrian access to the right, and parking located at the rear. The residence is equipped with a dedicated elevator and staircase, ensuring private access.

Courtyard, Circulation Flow, and Framing Nature
The floor plan is designed to maximize the sea view, with a cylindrical form that gracefully accommodates strong winds, while functional spaces are organized in a rectangular shape. The central part of the building is carved out to create a courtyard open to the sky. This courtyard, featuring a water basin and a single sweet olive tree (Osmanthus fragrans), invites light, rain, and wind, offering a tranquil space that soothes the mind.
On the first floor, the sea view is partially obstructed by a hill, creating a balanced interplay of openness and enclosure. However, the second floor is fully open towards the sea and coastline, offering an expansive view. Taking advantage of these topographical conditions, the first floor is designed with an inward focus towards the courtyard, while the second floor is oriented outward, embracing the panoramic sea view. Each floor follows a circulation plan that allows residents to enjoy views of both the courtyard and the sea as they move through the space.

Cylindrical Form, Rhythm, and Color Scheme
The building’s three floors vary in volume, resembling cylinders. The first floor features 20 white columns arranged diagonally towards the main entrance, creating a dynamic, wave-like flow. Additionally, the aluminum louvers installed around the veranda on the third floor follow the outline of the courtyard, adding a rhythmic aesthetic to the exterior. The building’s color scheme contrasts dark gray on the first floor with white on the second and third floors, emphasizing a minimalist, monochromatic palette.

Residential Interior
The interior materials were chosen with the humid coastal climate in mind. The walls and ceilings are finished with wallpaper, while some walls are clad in birch plywood. The color scheme is consistent, with white used for the wallpaper, ceiling, and doors, and dark gray flooring creating a subtle contrast.

A Healing Space
Where can city dwellers, worn out by speed, competition, and the strain of modern life, find a place to relax and heal? The answer is nature. People seek out places where the sea, mountains, land, and sky converge. This building embodies the architectural language that has been consistently pursued over the years: a circular, white structure that stands gently on a green hill against the blue sky. It is a healing space, where the exterior and interior are harmonized to provide a retreat from the stresses of urban life.



2층 바다뷰
3층 거실
3층 데크


죽성리 성환당
설계자 | 김성곤 _ 성 종합건축사사무소
건축주 | 주식회사 성환
감리자 | 주식회사 지에스에이건축사사무소
시공사 | 주식회사 세양종합건설
설계팀 | 조민지, 황보나경
설계의도 구현 | 성 종합건축사사무소
대지위치 | 부산광역시 기장군 기장읍 월전해안길 33
주요용도 | 제2종근린생활시설(휴게음식점) 및 단독주택
대지면적 | 933.90㎡
건축면적 | 403.37㎡
연면적 | 910.18㎡
건폐율 | 43.19%
용적률 | 97.46%
규모 | 3F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 
고흥석버너구이, 외단열시스템 스타코 위 엠피실란 마감, 징크
내부마감재 | 
제치장콘크리트, 보티치노, 자작나무 합판, 친환경 실크벽지
설계기간 | 2022. 05 – 2022. 10
공사기간 | 2022. 11. - 2024. 06
사진 | 성 종합건축사사무소
 구조분야 | 인우구조기술사사무소
 기계설비·소방설비·전기설비·정보통신설비분야 |  
Jukseong-ri SUNG HWAN DANG
Architect | Kim, Sunggon_SUNG Architects Group
Client | Corp. Sunghwan
Supervisor | Corp. GSA Architects
Construction | Corp. Seyang Construction
Project team | Cho, Minji / Hwangbo, Nakyung
Design intention realization | 
SUNG Architects Group
Location | 33, Woljeonhaean-gil, Gijang-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan, Korea
Program | Neighborhood living facilities and House
Site area | 933.90㎡
Building area | 403.37㎡
Gross floor area | 910.18㎡
Building to land ratio | 43.19%
Floor area ratio | 97.46%
Building scope | 3F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | C-Black , Stucco, Zinc
Interior finishing | 
Exposed Concrete Finish, Marble, 
Birch tree plywood, Silk wallpaper
Design period | May 2022 – Oct. 2022
Construction period | Nov. 2022 - Jun. 2024
Photograph | SUNG Architects Group
Structural engineer | Inu struc

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