광주 운림동 추사채 2021.10

2023. 2. 10. 09:19회원작품 | Projects/House

Gwangju Chusajae


사진작가 윤준환


광주광역시 소재의 한 대학교에서 치의학 분야 법의학자로 재직했던 건축주는 퇴임을 앞두고 대학 인근에 집을 짓고자 하였다. 오랜 세월 서울에 가족을 두고 주말에 귀경하는 일을 반복해왔는데, 퇴임을 앞두고 객지인 광주에 집을 짓는 일은 이례적이다. 건축주는 학교 민주화를 포함해 법의학자로서 다양한 형식의 사회적 활동에 헌신해왔다. 집을 짓고자 하는 건축주의 핵심 의제는 단연 ‘자연과 책’이다. 건축주는 무등산 자락에 오랫동안 눈여겨봐두었던 곳에 부지를 마련했다. 무등산(無等山)은 ‘등급을 매길 수 없는’이란 뜻으로 규모와 높이, 지형과 식생의 넉넉함에서 비롯된 이름이다. 분야를 넘나드는 다독가인 그가 보유한 2만 3,000권에 이르는 책을 공유하는 것도 집을 짓는 중요한 이유였다. 

대지는 아파트 단지를 지나 숲으로 이어지는 무등산 자락 초입에 위치한다. 부지는 평평하지만 주변은 경사와 함께 높은 나무들로 위요(圍繞)된 분위기를 형성한다. 건폐율 20% 이하의 조건은 집을 단순한 오브제로 보이게 하지만, 숲으로 둘러싸인 마당은 충분한 공간감을 형성한다. 낮은 건폐율로 인해 주택은 3층 볼륨이 되었다. 지면으로부터 반 층 아래 있는 현관에 들어서면 오른쪽으로 작은 다락이 있는 사랑방을 만난다. 여기서 반 층을 더 내려가면 1.5층 높이의 서재 공간이 나온다. 서재에는 들어올려진 슬래브에 면해 설치한 고측창으로 빛이 들어오도록 계획했다. 중간층인 1층에 침실을, 높은 천장이 있는 2층에 식당과 거실을 두었다.   

대지의 구축성
건축은 본래 땅을 파서 동굴을 만들거나, 대지 위에 나무를 세워 거주 공간을 만든다. 숲 사이 광주 추사재는 자연에서 얻은 지혜와 땅에서 유추된 ‘대지의 구축성’의 원리로 만들어졌다. 대지와 건축이 만나는 두 가지의 상반된 태도다. 
첫째로 대지에 적극적으로 반응하는 방법으로써 땅의 속성을 재현했다. 지표면을 변형하며 대지를 재현하는 구조 형식은 철근콘크리트조다. 반 층 들어올려진 1층과 반 층 내려간 선큰 형식의 현관은 건축과 대지가 결합하는 새로운 경계면을 제안한다. 이 구조 형식은 대지의 영역을 구성하기 위한 담의 재료이기도 하다. 
둘째, 나무는 대지로부터 에너지를 얻지만 최소한으로 접속해 대지를 존중한다. 이처럼 경골목구조와 가변성을 고려한 중목구조를 혼합한 2개 층의 볼륨이 하부 구조로부터 수평띠창을 경계로 들어올려져 있다. 목구조 볼륨을 싸고 있는 경골목구조 외피는 다양한 폭의 동판 돌출이음으로 마감되어 세월이 더해감에 따라 숲에 동화될 것이다.


사진작가 윤준환


The client, who worked as a forensic scientist in dentistry at a university in the Gwangju Metropolitan City, wanted to build a house near the university before their retirement. For many years, they have repeatedly left their family in Seoul and returned home on weekends, and it is unusual to build a house in Gwangju, the place away from home. The client devoted themself to various social activities as a forensic scientist, including school democratization. The main agenda of the client who wants to build a house is definitely, 'nature and books.' The client prepared a site where they had been paying attention for a long time, the foothill of Mudeungsan Mountain. 'Mudeungsan Moutain(無等山)' means 'cannot grade,' and the name is derived from its scale, height, topography, and fertile vegetation. Sharing 23,000 books, a voluminous reader not restricted to an area, was also an essential goal of building a house. 
The land is located at the entrance of Mudeungsan Mountain, which passes through the apartment complex and leads to the forest. The land is flat, but the surrounding area forms an area surrounded by slopes and high trees. The conditions of the building coverage ratio of less than 20% make the house look like a simple object, but the forested yard creates a good sense of space. Due to the low building coverage rate, the house became a three-story volume. When you enter the entrance half a floor, you will meet a sarangbang with a small attic on the right. If you go down half-floor from here, you will find a 1.5 story-height study space. We planned the study space to allow light to enter the high-side window installed facing the lifted slab. We made a bedroom on the first floor, middle floor, restaurant, and living room on the second floor with a high ceiling. 

Architecture created a cave by digging the ground or build trees on the land to develop a residence. Chusachae between the forests was constructed by the principle of wisdom from nature and the 'Terra-Tectonic' inferred from the ground. Those are two conflicting attitudes that land and architecture meet. First, the properties of the land were re-created as a way to respond to the land actively. The form of a structure that transforms the surface of the ground is a reinforced concrete structure. The half-rise first floor and the half-story sunken-type porch suggest a new interface where architecture and land unite. The structural format is also the material of the wall for constituting the land area. Second, trees get energy from the ground but contact it to a minimum to respect the land. Likewise, the volume of two floors, a mixture of light-frame wood structure and heavy-frame wood structure considering the changeability, is lifted from the lower structure into the boundary of the batten board. The outer skin of the light-frame wood structure surrounding the wooden frame is finished with protruding copper plates of various widths and will harmonize with the forest as time goes by.              


사진작가 윤준환
사진작가 윤준환
사진작가 윤준환
사진작가 윤준환


1층 평면도


2층 평면도



광주 운림동 추사채
설계자 | 조남호 _ (주)솔토지빈 건축사사무소 
건축주 | 윤창륙
감리자 | 조남호 _ (주)솔토지빈 건축사사무소
시공사 | ㈜스튜가목조건축연구소
대지위치 | 경기도 광주광역시 동구 운림길75번길 40
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 389.00㎡
건축면적 | 77.01㎡
연면적 | 221.16㎡
건폐율 | 19.80%
용적률 | 38.38%
규모 | 지하 1층, 지상 2층
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조 + 목구조
외부마감재 | 노출콘크리트 위 불소수지코팅, 녹청동판
내부마감재 | 석고보드 위 수성페인트
설계기간 | 2016
사진 | 윤준환
구조분야 : 세진에스씨엠
기계설비분야 : 코담기술단
전기분야 : 코담기술단
Gwangju Chusajae
Architect | Cho, Namho _ SOLTOZIBIN ARCHITECTS 
Client | Yoon, Changryuk
Supervisor | Cho, Namho _ SOLTOZIBIN ARCHITECTS
Construction | Stugahouse
Location | 40, Ullim-gil 75beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju, Korea
Program | House
Site area | 389.00㎡
Building area | 77.01㎡
Gross floor area | 221.16㎡
Building to land ratio | 19.80%
Floor area ratio | 38.38%
Building scope | B1 - 2F
Structure | RC + Timber Structure
Exterior finishing | Fluorine Resin Coating on Exposed Concrete, Patina Bronze Plate
Interior finishing | Water-based Paint on Gypsum Board
Design period | 2016
Photograph | Yoon, Junhwan
Structural engineer | SejinSCM
Mechanical engineer | Codam Technology Group
Electrical engineer | Codam Technology Group

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